About Us
What is J.C.F?
JOTHAM’S COMPASSIONATE FOUNDATION is a Christian foundation focusing on helping families in need especially where education and health are concerned.
JOTHAM’S COMPASSIONATE FOUNDATION was initiated when the extreme hardships of Liberians were realized and positive actions had to be taken to help alleviate some of these hardships. Liberia has suffered several years of Civil War. Both the Ebola Virus and the Corona Virus have affected the well-being of Liberian citizens and driven the country backward in all aspects of
life. The majority of Liberians now live in abject poverty, barely managing to survive.
Founded in July 2020 by Maude S. Elliot passion for contributing to the human development of her beloved native land of Liberia. Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic; JCF has shipped over 1,000 food, clothes, and sanitary materials to families in need in Liberia. We have expanded the foundation to provide educational scholarships for students in the community.